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10 Ways to Check the Safety of a Dating App

1. Can you control who sees your profile? Many dating apps give you the option to

choose a private or incognito profile, allowing you to hide information from other people until you're ready to share it.
2.Can you control who contacts you? Some dating platforms allow you to send private messages to anyone on their platform. For others, contact is only possible once you've both given permission, often by swiping right on your crush's profile. Some dating apps allow women and non-binary people to make the first move and control who can contact them.

3.Can you hide your location? Many apps use your location to show you the profiles of people nearby. You may want to hide your location or only show an approximate location to protect your privacy and security.
4. Does the app have a clear way to report abuse or block someone? Check if your dating app or service has an easy process for reporting, blocking, or taking action against someone if necessary.
5. Does the application include a photo or identity verification? Some apps ask users to prove the authenticity of their profile pictures by comparing them with live camera images from a phone or mobile device. You may also be asked to verify your account using identification documents such as your driver's license or passport. Please note that this does not mean that your identity has been verified, just that the photo matches the user.

6. Does the application provide warnings to the viewer? Some apps use content detection algorithms or tools to find nude content or notify you that they are "not safe for work" (NSFW), allowing you to choose whether to display the images in a direct message.
7.Can you distance yourself from someone? See if you can easily unlink or end contact with someone you no longer want to contact.
8. Are other protection functions available? Some apps have additional features to protect you, such as: B. In-app phone and video calling options so you can chat without revealing your personal phone number or message details. Others have features that detect and warn about offensive messages or encourage the person to stop and think before sending an offensive message.

9. Do I have to pay extras? Many dating platforms offer a free version when you sign up, with a selection of additional features if you pay for a subscription. These features may provide you with more privacy, allow you to change how often you view your profile, or require someone to connect with you before viewing your profile.
10.Do Community Guidelines and other policies support security, privacy, and security? By reading the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service you will learn what is and is not acceptable behavior. Please also review the privacy policy to see how it protects your information and whether it may be sold or shared with advertisers.
Learn more about the security and privacy features of different dating apps in the eSafety Guide.

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